General Gardening
- Pick Autumn raspberries
- Dig up any remaining potatoes before the slugs spoil them
- Put a net over your pond to protect from falling leaves
- Keep up with watering of new plants, using rain or grey water if possible
- Start to reduce the frequency of houseplant watering
- Cover leafy vegetable crops with bird-proof netting
- Plant Spring flowering bulbs
- Once faded, take out summer bedding plants and replace with spring ones such as Pansies and Wallflowers
- Deadhead Roses regularly
- Clear up any fallen leaves
- Begin planting your Autumn, Winter and early Spring flowering plants
- Empty containers of plants which are now passed their best in preparation for replanting with Autumn and Winter flowering types and Spring flowering bulbs. Remember to empty hanging
- baskets at the same time
- Line the insides of your pots before planting with bubble plastic to protect your plants’ roots and clay pots from frosts
- Spring flowering bulbs should be ideally planted before mid-November
- Whenever possible, plant bulbs straight away, otherwise store in a cool dry place
In the Greenhouse
- Clean out your greenhouse ready for the Autumn
- Narcissus can be planted to ensure a display for Christmas