01946 67297

Seasonal Colour
Tuesday 1 September 2020

Its always nice to have some instant colour in the garden no matter what the time of year.

Here at Whitehaven Garden Centre there is always a great range of seasonal bedding plants available.

We try to offer the widest range possible and to include the more unusual lines such as coloured foliage as well as flowers.

We can show you how to maintain your plants to get the most out of them and will happily put colour combinations together if you are undecided.

As we head into autumn and winter there is a wide range of winter hardy bedding plants available including:

  • Pansies and Violas
  • Polyanthus and Primroses
  • Cyclamen
  • Hardy Patio Foliage Range
  • Wallflowers

As well as plants being available there is always a good range of planted containers and hanging baskets ready to buy straight away or we are happy to  make up your own planters or baskets. If its quiet we can do this straight away but if its busy we ask you to leave them with us.

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