General Gardening
- Clear up fallen Autumn leaves regularly
- Cut back perennials that have died down
- Divide herbaceous perennials and rhubarb crowns
- Plant out Spring cabbages
- Harvest apples, pears and grapes
- Prune climbing roses
- Last chance to mow lawns and trim hedges in mild areas
- Renovate old lawns or create new grass areas by laying turf. This month is an ideal time to make a new lawn from turf as it unlikely to dry out
- Plant Winter and Spring flowering bulbs such as Daffodils, Narcissi and Crocuses should be planted in the garden or patio containers
- Check the supports and ties on young trees and climbing plants
- Re-position tender plants into a frost-free environment such as a greenhouse of conservatory
- Help to drain your lawn by using a lawn aerator
- Tidy up the garden shed and clean and sharpen secateurs in preparation for Winter pruning
In the Greenhouse
- Protect plants in your greenhouse from cold winter nights with a heater
- Water plants in the morning so that the foliage is not wet during the night
- Clean the greenhouse glass inside and out to maximise the Winter sun and remove any greenhouse shading
- Ventilate the greenhouse to keep up air movement and alleviate dampness