General Gardening
- Now’s the time to start some early seeds such as Chillis and Tomatoes. Keep them warm under glass though.
- Start chitting your seed potatoes, ready for planting later on.
- Divide bulbs such as snowdrops when they have finished flowering
- Prune Wisteria back to 2 or 3 buds
- Cut back deciduous grasses, ready for new growth in Spring
- Finish manuring vegetable beds, ready for spring planting
- Continue to plant bare rooted roses, shrubs or trees when the ground is not frozen.
- Tie in any loose branches of climbing roses and prune shrub roses.
- Late February you can prune back shrubs grown for their winter stems such as Cornus. Shrubs that flower on new wood should also be pruned such as Buddleja
- Continue to tidy borders and keep an eye out for weeds starting to poke through. Cut back Hellebore foliage if its hiding the flowers.
- Plant up spring containers with hardy bedding such as primroses, pansies and violas to provide a splash of colour through out the coming spring season.
In the Greenhouse
- Do not over water your plants, water only when the compost is dry
- Plant new Grape vines, or prune established vines
- Sow Sweet Peas for planting out later
- Check the glass is not loose after high winds over the winter.
- If nothing growing in the greenhouse now is a good time to clean it and disinfect it ready for the new season.