General Gardening
- Watch out for late frosts. Protect tender plants
- Earth up potatoes, and plant any still remaining
- Plant out summer bedding after the last frosts
- Collect rainwater and investigate ways to recycle water for irrigation
- Regularly hoe off weeds
- Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of daffodils and other Spring flowering bulbs
- Watch out for viburnum beetle and lily beetle grubs, if you find them use an insecticide
- Begin to feed houseplants using a liquid fertiliser
- Continue to plant trees and shrubs
- Mow the lawn regularly. Be careful to remove the cuttings and apply lawn feed regularly. Use a weed and moss killer where necessary
- Weed around fruit bushes and strawberries to allow movement of air around the plants
- Clear out Spring bedding from borders when it fades, and fork in a general fertiliser
- Ensure newly planted plants are kept watered in dry spells
In the Greenhouse
- Tie in the lengthening growths of vines
- Continue to plant tomatoes, aubergines and peppers in unheated greenhouses
- Ventilate well and damp down on sunny days as long as seeds are not being raised
- Pinch out side shoots of melons and cucumbers when two side shoots have been formed
- Watch out for pests and treat immediately using either a chemical spray or a biological control